Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sat.’s Devo- The Rest of the Inheritances

Read: Josh. 19-21
Looking at a map of the tribes of Israel and their inheritance and you will see that Simeon is right in the middle of Judah. Since Simeon means “hearing” and Judah means “praise” I think God is trying to show us that if you want to hear from God you need to surround yourself with praise.
Zebulun was the tribe of scribes. Jesus’ ministry was in the area of Zebulun and Naptali.
Issachar had a small portion of land but of the men of Issachar, 1 Chronicles 7:5 says that they were valiant men of might and 1 Chronicles 12:32 says that they were men that had understanding of the times Israel was living. This tells me that they were the prophets and leaders. Mount Tabor is in their land and Tabor means “to purge” which is what the word of the Lord does.
The territory of Asher runs along the Mediterranean Sea. Tyre and Sidon are in its land.
Naphtali was the sixth lot and they got the territory north of Zebulun.
The seventh lot fell to Dan which means “to judge” so it is fitting that it would be the last to get his inheritance since the last thing God will do is to judge the earth. Dan is also on the coast of the Mediterranean below Manasseh and above Judah.
They didn’t get enough land so they had to fight for more. They named their new territory Leshem which means “unto desolation”. A good picture of the last battle.
The next thing the Lord had the do was to appoint cities of refuge for justice. I explained these on the 10th of this month. The Levites were given cities among all the tribes.
Lord may there not fail any good thing which You have spoken over us. May it all come to pass over us and our children.

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