Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wed.’s Devo - The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Read: Ex. 36-38
Everything about the tabernacle pointed to Jesus. The blue, purple and scarlet linen spoke of the majesty and royalty of Jesus. The linen was a symbol of his purity. The gold spoke of his glory and wisdom, the silver of redemption. The curtains were to section off the tabernacle from the camp. All who entered in were coming to worship God. This was “The Way”. The people in the outer court represent the seekers of God. The priests who entered into the Holy Place represent those who want have made Jesus their Lord and Saviour and want to know God’s ways. Here they learned “The Truth”. The Holy of Holies are for those who want to see God’s glory and be in His presence. This was “The Life.” We can stop anywhere along the way. We can lay our sacrifice on the brazen altar and just be “saved”. Or we can wash in the laver and walk in sanctification. We can step inside and be intimate with Jesus by reading His Word at the Table of Shewbread and allowing the Holy Spirit to anoint it by the light of the Candlestick. And we can go beyond ourselves and pray for others at the Altar of Incense. But to go into the throne room is to go through the veil into the Holy of Holies and worship at the Ark of the Covenant. In the Old Testament only the High Priest could go their once a year but when Jesus died, that veil was rent from the top down signifying all could come in. This veil was six inches deep and impossible to tear, but God did.
Lord, let us not stop short of the glory and majesty of Your throne. We draw near to You with love and humility.

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