Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - The Glory of God

Read: Ex. 33-35
After the people were punished and atoned for Moses removed the presence of God from their midst and put it outside the camp. If they wanted to come into God’s presence it would take some effort on their part. Moses went back and forth from the people to the Tabernacle but Joshua stayed in the tabernacle. It is possible to continually live in the presence of God.
Moses asked to see God’s glory which must have been different from His face because he spoke face-to-face with God already. To show him his glory, Moses was told to stand on a rock (Jesus) and he would hide him in a cleft in that rock so he could just see his back side. I think this was Moses’ glimpse into the future where we can, because of Jesus, behold God’s glory and live. Little did Moses know that when he saw God’s glory, God’s glory remained on him. So much so that he shone. It bothered the people so he had to veil himself when he went out in public. When we have been with the Lord, we should shine also. So much, that it could make people uncomfortable to be around us, yet it will draw the hungry. We should glow.
God rewrote the tablets of the law. Then God proclaimed who he was: The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin…” God made a covenant with them to so miracles for them that they had never seen done before. He would drive out their enemies but they were to promise not to make any covenants with them…including marriage. They were not to worship their gods because God is a jealous God and wants all our worship.
God gave them the laws again for the tabernacle and everyone gave toward it’s building with a willing heart.
Lord, may your glory rest on our countenance so much that it draws the hungry people to us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes! My prayer lately has been that He would blow the dust of the world off our hearts so His church would radiate His glory in an unmistakable way! Let it be so Lord! Let us be salty and Shine!