Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thurs.’s Devo - Pentecost- The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Read: Ex. 19-21
It has been 50 days since they put the blood on the doorposts of their houses and were saved from the death angel. Fifty days after Passover is Pentecost. Today we read about the first Pentecost. God invites them to be his peculiar treasure, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. He appeared to them in a fire and a cloud on the mountain. At the blast of a trumpet He spoke to the people and called Moses up on the mountain to receive his laws.
God told the people to rehearse these feasts every year and at appointed times he fulfills them. In Acts God fulfilled the Feast of Pentecost by sending his Holy Spirit. This was the day the church was born and God’s peculiar treasure, his kingdom of priests were released on the earth. This time the fire wasn’t on the mountain where only one person was invited but it was on every person in the room. They were the mountain of the Lord with tongues of fire on their heads. They were all invited to come into God’s presence. Peter became the trumpet that spoke forth God’s word to the people that had come to rehearse the festival. They were given the ability to speak the languages of the people so they could communicated with them the Good News. Instead of the Law, they were offered the Holy Spirit without measure.
After God gave Moses the basic ten we know as the Ten Commandments he broke them down to practical living. The number one thing I get from reading Chapter 21 is that we are responsible for our actions and God requires us to take that responsibility serious.
Lord, thank you for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit.

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