Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sat.’s Devo - The Sabbath and the Jubilee

Read: Lev. 24-25
In Chapter 24 we have the story about a boy who’s mother was an Israelite and his father an Egyptian. The boy blasphemed God and got stoned. This is a story to teach a principle. A person who goes to church (has an Israelite mother) but has never made Jesus their Lord and God their father (the son of the Egyptian) will not be saved. Back then they stoned people but not today. Spiritually, a stone is Word, so to stone a person would be to judge their life against the Word and hopefully kill their old man and resurrect a new one in Christ.
Chapter 25 is about the sabbath and jubilee. God is very passionate about the land. It was to get a rest every seven years. The year after the seventh Sabbath year was to be a jubilee. “Sabbath” means “intermission”. We all need intermissions and so does the land. The jubilee sabbath was to be a joyous occasion with blowing of trumpets and rejoicing. “Jubilee” means “acclamation of joy or a battle cry; an alarm of trumpets”.
On this fiftieth year every debt was wiped clean and every slave set free. This is a picture of the end of time as we know it when Jesus comes back at the sound of the trumpet. It will be a battle in Armageddon against the devil and his team but Jesus’ team will win. Every debt will be forgiven and every slave will be set free.
God said in Gen. 6:3 that men’s days would be 120 years. One hundred and twenty jubilees equals 6,000 years. A year is as a day to the Lord so that makes it 6 days. God rested on the seventh and so will we.
Lord, we bless You because You are so glorious and so worthy to be praised!

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