Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sat.’s Devo - Our Inheritance

Read: Eze. 44:1-45:12; 1 Peter 1:1-12; Ps. 119:17-32; Pr. 28:8-10 The Muslims know this scripture and they have walled up the eastern gate in Jerusalem so that the Messiah won’t be able to come in. Little do they know that stones won’t be able to keep Jesus from coming back. In these scriptures about the ministry of the priests we are getting a picture of what it will be like in the 7th millennium when Israel gets control of the temple mount and sacrifices are once again made. Notice that the priests were not to wear any material that would make them sweat. That is a picture of our ministry on earth. If we are working ourselves to death trying to do the work of the gospel then we are sweating. Jesus said to take his yoke upon us and learn of him for his yoke is easy and his burden is light. If you walk by the spirit, it will be easy and everything will unfold before you. If you walk in the flesh you will be always trying to make things happen and it will be stressful and exhausting. First Peter was written to the Gentiles that had come to faith in Jesus and were suffering rejection by their friends. He encourages them of their heavenly inheritance. Inheritance took on a new meaning when my mother passed away. My dad had passed in 2004 and my mother two years ago. When she died we received our inheritance. It was far more than I had ever thought it would be since they lived very frugal lives but the joy was more in thinking of how excited they were to give it to us. I know that that was just a drop in the bucket to what our spiritual inheritance will be. It will be far greater than we could ever imagine and well worth any rejection or persecution we could face on this side. Lord, enlarge our hearts to love you more and our faith to see your ways.

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