Monday, November 3, 2014

Mon.’s Devo - Jesus Our High Priest

Read: Eze. 7:1-9:11; Heb. 5:1-14; Ps. 105:1-15; Pr. 26:28 When God brings judgment there is a complete exchange of wealth. The once wealthy are brought to poverty and the holy places are defiled. The worst of the heathen take over and the land is devastated; its people turned to desolation. Six years after Jerusalem was besieged, God gave Ezekiel a vision showing him the abominations of the people. It was acts they did in secret that God saw openly. God sent angels to mark the people who didn’t participate in idol worship and were true to Him. Like the death angel in the days of Moses they were sent to kill all who didn’t have the mark of God on their foreheads. In Hebrews we learn that the High Priest has to be a man who knows the weaknesses of man so he can have compassion. That is why Jesus had to become a man. Jesus was a priest in the manner of Melchisedec. He was an intercessor for the people who prayed with great fervency and power for the sins of the people. God heard him because he understood the holiness of God. Jesus was that kind of intercessor too. Thank you for being our intercessor and High Priest.

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