Friday, November 28, 2014

Fri.’s Devo - Judgment

Read: Dan. 5:1-31; 2 Pet. 2:1-22; Ps. 119:113-128; Pr. 28:19-20 Once again Daniel is called in to interpret God’s signs. This time it is words written on the wall by the finger of God. Nebuchadnezzer’s son, Belshazzar is king and even though he heard of how God humbled his father, he had not repented and honored God as the Lord. Because of this, the words written sealed his fate. His kingdom would be divided and given to the Medes and Persians. Surprisingly, Belshazzar honored Daniel and promoted him in the kingdom. That night the king was killed by the king of the Chaldeans and the kingdom was taken. Second Peter gives us a description of what it will be like when Jesus comes back. There will be false prophets who speak against God and are a god to themselves. Today we would call them new agers and other cults. God will bring judgment on them just like he did during the day of Noah. Lot was a picture of a man who goes through the days of tribulation in the midst of ungodly men. But God promises to deliver that man just like he did for Lot. Then he warns us to guard our freedom and salvation and continue to walk with God. Lord, may we not be afraid when we face ungodly people but be bold and at peace.

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