Friday, November 21, 2014

Fri.’s Devo - The Expanding Kingdom

Read: Eze. 42:1-43:27; James 5:1-20; Ps. 119:1-16: Pr. 28:6-7 This temple is symbolic of the temple inside us and the eternal temple God is raising up. Today we read about the chambers of the priests. We are all kings and priests before the Lord. The first floor was smaller than the second and on and on. This represented the first Christians as being the foundation and all the others that came later and built on their fountain. The kingdom is becoming larger and larger with each generation so each level become larger than it’s predecessor. In Israel schools the children learned their alphabet by Psalms 119. So instead of learning “A” is for apple they learned Alpha is for “Blessed are the undefiled in the way…” Today we read Alpha and Beta the first two letters in the Hebrew alphabet. James sounds like one of the old testament prophets in this chapter. He comes out against the rich who oppress the poor and are arrogant in their own eyes. Then he encourages those that have becomes true followers of Christ to be patient and wait for the second coming of Jesus. In the meantime, pray. Prayer brings God’s will to earth. Lord, help us to love everyone and pray Your will to be done on earth. Let Your temple expand on the earth.

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