Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tues.’s Devo -The Power of the Holy Spirit

Read: 1 Kings 18:1-46, Acts 11:1-30, Ps. 135:1-21, Pr. 17:12-13 We all know the story of Isaiah and the prophets of Baal. When sin gets to the top, God always sends a deliverer. Obadiah hid the true prophets and Isaiah defied the false ones. Each had their calling and did it. What made Isaiah so effective is that he was not afraid of the devil’s gods. He knew who his god was and that he was the True God. Isaiah took 12 stones which represented the twelve tribes of Israel, then he took twelve jars of water to represent each tribe being immersed in the Holy Spirit. Next he told the Lord that he had done all this at His command. He didn’t decide to challenge Satan on his own. God had led him each step. That is sometimes the missing ingredient. I think we can pray God’s Word and expect results but if we want to insure results we have to hear God tell us which scriptures to quote. Then God will move. Peter obeyed the Holy Spirit and preached to the Gentiles. God moved and they were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. God showed Agabus there would be a famine so they could prepare. That is the roll of a prophet. We should know the things God is about to do before He does them. Jesus did and we carry Him inside us. Lord, may we walk in Your Holy Spirit today.

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