Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sat.’s Devo - Elijah’s Ascent

Read: 2 Kings 1:1-2:25, Acts 13:42-14:7, Ps. 139:1-24, Pr. 17:19-21 I wonder why God sent Elijah to Bethel, then Jericho, then the Jordan. I think of Abraham and Jacob when I think of Bethel. That was where Jacob saw the portal to heaven with the angels that ascended and descended up and down the ladder. Jericho was the first city into the Promised land that they encountered and the Jordan was where John the Baptist would station his ministry. For some reason, God wanted Elijah to revisit these places. Personally, I think they were all portals to heaven. The place God finally took Elijah was the Jordan River. Elijah never tasted death. His spirit came back in John the Baptist (Luke 9:8) and will come back and prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus (Mal. 4:5). It is worthy to note that all the prophets knew Elijah was being taken that day. All the prophets should be saying the same thing - they should all agree. If you get the Elijah List then you know that the prophets are agreeing for the first time which is a good sign. We are all getting on the same page…God’s page. In Acts people were choosing sides. The Jews were jealous of the disciples and their popularity with the people. When the disciples announced they were taking their message to the Gentiles - a people that would listen, it incited the Jews to want to kill them. They fled to the region around Lycaonia and continued to preach the gospel. Today’s Psalms is one of my favorites. Lord, it is so comforting to know how much you love us and know everything about us. May we hear Your voice today and be bold.

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