Friday, June 6, 2014

Fri.’s Devo - David's Successor

Read: 1 Kings 1:1-53, Acts 4:1-37, Ps. 12:1-8, Pr. 16:24 David had promised Bathsheba years ago that Solomon would be the next king. It was his payback for what he did to Bathsheba and her husband. Solomon was also God’s choice so, of course, the devil devised a plan to stop it. The devil used Adonijah to try to usurp the kingdom in secrecy. Nathan was told about it and had the plan stopped and Solomon’s kingdom made secure. Solomon would be a type of Jesus just like David was only he would be a type of Jesus in his glorified sense. David was a warrior and had to fight for his kingdom. Solomon would be the king of peace and prosperity. He is a type of the Millennium where the lion will lie down with the lamb and God’s children will rule. We are getting closer and closer to that kingdom in the natural but we can have that kingdom in the spiritual right now. It is a kingdom of peace no matter what is going on in the world or in our world. Hebrews called it ‘entering into God’s rest’. In Acts, Peter has just finished explaining that they healed the cripple man by the name of Jesus, the one they crucified. The priests are not happy with Peter and his disciples because what they are preaching makes them look bad and worse than that…wrong. They bring Peter and John in for questioning and put them before the Sanhedrin. What would have been intimidating to them before was not now that they had been baptized in God’s Holy Spirit. They now had a new boldness that astonished the Sanhedrin. Instead, they were the ones afraid of Peter and John. All they could do was give them threats and send them home. Once home, they met with the other followers of Jesus and prayed for more boldness. The place they were in shook and they were filled even more. Lord, let the boldness of Peter and John be on us as we go a proclaim Your name.

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