Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wed.’s Devo - Thinking Spiritually

I love that the first thing God says after “Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy”, is to fear your mother and father. Our mothers and fathers are not just our physical mother and father, but our mothers and fathers of the faith throughout all generations. Every generation paid a price for the revelation they fought for that we now take for granted. God wants us to honor them. Today most of the laws have to do with how we treat one another. All these laws can be summed up in two laws: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and the second one is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. In Mark, the disciples were getting tripped up over natural things when Jesus wanted them to look deeper. The Pharisees had come to him wanting a sign to which Jesus refused. Then Jesus crossed the sea. Jesus warned them of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod. The disciples only had one loaf of bread with them so they thought he was making reference to their lack of bread. Jesus explained that it wasn’t natural things he was talking about, but spiritual. He could give his disciples a sign anytime…like he had when he multiplied the bread. He wasn’t concerned with their needs - He was always there to meet them. Jesus was talking much deeper. He wanted them to be ware of the deceit of the Pharisees. They were tempting Jesus to show off his power. He refused to play their game. Jesus was warning us of trying to use His power to do the same. Once again the disciples were thinking carnally when Jesus told them He would suffer and be killed. Jesus rebuked Peter for thinking that way. The kingdom of God is not concerned with things that we are like death, food, drink. We are promised that if we seek Him first, all these things work out. Lord, remind us to be heavenly minded when we start to worry about worldly things.

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