Friday, February 21, 2014

Fri.’s Devo - The Law is Spiritual

If you’re not careful, you will pass over these laws and miss their significance. Romans 7:14 says that the law is spiritual so we can gain meaning from it spiritually. They were told they could eat any animal that had a split hoof that was completely divided and that chewed the cud. A split hoof that is completely divided has to do with standing on the foundation of the Word. The Word completely divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrew 4:12) Chewing the cud has to do with not only putting God’s Word in your heart, but being able to bring it back up and appropriate it to everything in your life. Your works must follow your faith. Faith without works is dead. Fins and scales have to do with direction (fins) and covering (scales). We have to let God’s spirit be our fins and His blood be our covering. Insects that use all there legs on the ground are pictures of a person being bound to the earth and not spiritually inclined. An insect that can hop is like a person who can be of the earth and of the spirit. I’ll do one more example: verse 33. If someone falls into a clay pot, everything in it will be unclean and you must break the pot. We are clay vessels so if we fall into the influence of another clay vessel then everything that comes from us will be affected by our sin. We must fall on the cross of Jesus and be broken. In Mark, Jesus had crossed back over the sea and was met by Jairus, whose twelve year old daughter was about to die. Jairus was both rich and powerful, yet he humbled himself before Jesus in desperation for the love he had for his daughter. On the way to his house, Jesus stops out of the love he had for his daughter and heals a very humble and poor woman who was desperate. Imagine how she felt when instead of rebuking her, Jesus called her “daughter”. She had been bleeding the life-span of this little girl. God cares for all his children, rich or poor. The key was their humility and total trust in Jesus. Lord, may we walk in humility and trust today.

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