Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sun.’s Devo - Offerings to God

Read Lev. 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Ps. 35:17-28, Pr. 9:13-18 Leviticus can be a dry wordy book when you don’t see the spiritual significance or it can be a rich deep book if you do. I pray it will be a rich deep book for us. There were five different kinds of offerings the people could give: the burnt, meat, fellowship, sin and trespass offering. Today we will talk about the burnt, the meat offering, and the fellowship offering. The burnt offering was the atonement offering for consecration. Jesus was our burnt offering, completely consumed on the cross. Notice that the priest must lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering for it to be acceptable on his behalf to make atonement for him. By laying his hand on the sacrifice he was transferring his sin and the sin of the people to the animal that would atone for them. Each of us must do this ourselves. We come to Jesus and individually accept him as our Saviour. Then his blood atones for our sin. The grain or meat offering was the thanksgiving offering. We should offer this offering everyday as we are so thankful for what Jesus has done for us. This lead to the next offering which was the fellowship offering. This is our time we spend in fellowship to the Lord. All of these are like sweet smelling incense to the Lord. Jesus was the spiritual fulfillment of Joshua. Joshua’s task was to go into the Promise Land and drive out all the Amorites, and Hittites, and other ’ites’. Jesus’ mission was to go throughout the earth driving out demons. He started the work and planned for us to finish it. He also healed the sick, forgave sins and preached the kingdom. Lord, we are so thankful that You are our burnt offering and that our sin is forever atoned for. We offer You our sacrifice of time to fellowship with You. Help us to be constantly offering up our thanksgiving and devotion to You.

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