Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tues.’s Devo - Judgment and Grace

Read Ex. 32:1-33:23, Matt. 26:69-27:14, Ps. 33:1-11, Pr. 8:33-36 I can’t read today’s reading without thinking how important it is to have the Holy Spirit. He was given that we might have the power to be a witness, to stand firm in opposition and to victoriously fight the enemy. The children of Israel and the disciples didn’t have that constant presence with them and they didn’t stand well. The children of Israel resorted back to pagan worship, denying the God who had brought them out of Egypt with numerous signs and wonders. Peter denied being a disciple of Jesus after seeing numerous miracles. How do we do that? The Holy Spirit can not control our hearts but he can empower us against such temptations. Then, we have great examples of men who didn’t fall, like Moses and Joshua. In Ex. 33:11 it says that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend and of Joshua it says that he did not leave the tabernacle. Joshua chose to live in the place where God’s presence was. We can make that same choice. The children of Israel were punished for their rebellion and 3,000 were killed. What a contrast to the New Testament where when the Holy Spirit was given 3,000 were saved. Judas was given 30 silver coins which in his remorse, he threw on the floor of the temple, left and hung himself. Peter also felt remorse and Jesus restored him. Judgment and grace. That is the choice we make when we decide whether to become a Christian or not. Lord, may we be found watching daily at your doors, and waiting at your doorway for your life.

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