Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tues.’s Devo - God’s Kingdom Come

Read Rev. 20 & 21 How fitting that we would end the year with the last two chapters of Revelation. I’m sorry I had to hurry the last of this, but I want to start the new year with a new thing. I’ll explain tomorrow! Being an artist I love the imagery of Revelation. Today we see an angel come down from heaven holding a key and a chain. He seizes the Devil and chains him up and throws him in the bottomless pit where he locks him up for one thousand years. The martyrs of the tribulation were given thrones or positions of authority. They were now being released to reign with Christ a thousand years - the Millennium. Everyone else who had died still slept. This is called the first resurrection of the dead. They are saved from the second death which is eternal damnation. After this thousand years, Satan will be released for a while. Don’t you know he comes out angry. He gathers his troops from the earth to fight the saints. They surround Jerusalem, but God sends down fire and kills them. The devil is cast into the lake of fire where the beast and false prophet were thrown to be tormented forever. Next is judgment of the dead. The book of life and the book of deeds are opened and everyone is judged. Death, hell, and all who went the way of death are thrown into the fire. This is the second death. God’s new earth and new heaven comes down from heaven in majesty and splendor. This is where God’s people will live - pain-free, and full of joy. Next, John was taken to see the Bride which was the whole city of Jerusalem - God’s new kingdom. It is perfect. Every detail describes God’s holiness and his love for his creation. It is always illuminated and always open. No evil will penetrate its borders. Halleluiah! Lord, how glorious and great is your plan!

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