Friday, September 6, 2013

Fri.’s Devo - Love

Read Romans 13:1-9 Everything that breathes is under the authority of a superior superpower. And there is no power greater than that of God. He gave everything else its power - even Satan. If we try to oppose the powers that God has put over us we are opposing his will and will be judged for it. What we don’t seem to realize is that Satan is not a higher power. He has been put under our feet at the cross and is subject to the spirit of God in us. We don’t have to fear authority on earth if we are doing good, only if we aren’t. We need to learn to submit to authority not only because it will save us from judgment but also because it keeps our conscience clean. Authority is for our good so we need to pay them for what they do. We should pay our taxes, tip our waiters, give respect to our elders and our leaders, and honor those who are in authority over us - from our parents to the White House. We are to let love be our only debt. If we love then we will fulfill all the laws in the Bible. We won’t commit adultery, we won’t kill, or slander someone, or steal from them. or want what they have. Jesus said that love was the fulfillment of the first and second commandment and if we could just do these two, then we will automatically do the rest. So all we need to know is to love God with all our heart and then to love one another as much as we love ourselves. Lord, this sound so simple till we come across difficult circumstances and difficult people. Help us to love through all these things.

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