Friday, September 20, 2013

Fri’s Devo - The Last of the List

Read Ro. 16:21 I purposely saved the last verse for today. Paul seems to have remembered a few more people he wants to say “hi” to so he adds a P.S. He mentions Timotheus which means “dear to God”. (Can I rename my kids?) What a name! Paul lets you know that Timotheus worked right alongside him. Lucius means “illuminative”. He must have radiated Jesus’ spirit. Jason means “healer”. A healer is always good to have around your church. I picture a person with great compassion and gentleness. The last one is Sosipater which means “saving father”. That one is self-explanatory. I imagine him to be an older man who has that loving father spirit that makes everyone feel loved. So all these names, that we usually skim over or skip are important to us because they make up the body. I bet we could find someone who fits the description of each of these people in our church. I bet we found ourselves in one or more of these names - or at least one we would like to be. The truth is, God has given us a name that he calls us and he has equipped us to walk out its meaning. The warning is to let God fulfill that strength in His way and not ours. I’m sure Philologus was tempted to use his argumentative spirit wrongly many times and had to learn to use it for the higher good. Whatever our strength is, the devil will tempt us to twist it and use it for him. God gives us the grace to use it for Him. May we walk in your name which is the name above all names and may we fulfill our calling on the earth. P.S. We are going to study Revelations next!!!! Pray!

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