Monday, March 18, 2013

Mon.’s Devo - The Lord’s Prayer

Read Luke 11:1-3 The disciples had watched Jesus retreat for days to pray to his heavenly father and they also wanted to learn how to talk to God. Before, the people only prayed when they needed God to deliver them, but only the High Priest was believed to have an audience with God. So Jesus told them exactly what to say. He started with “Our Father” addressing who he was talking to. Once, David referred to God as his father but no one else had till Jesus showed up. God had always been seen as a consuming fire and someone to fear and revere. Jesus was making God personal and endearing. Then he gave his placement “which art in heaven”. He wanted them to know where God resides. “Hallowed be thy name. Hallowed means pure, consecrated and holy. “Thy kingdom come.” God’s kingdom means his royalty, rule, and realm. Jesus wanted them to pray this heavenly realm down to earth. He wanted them to pray that God’s will that is being carried out in heaven would come down and be carried out on earth. The only way that will happen is for us to allow the Holy Spirit to do that in us. We have to realize how it is in heaven. There is no sickness, sin, sorrow, or suffering in heaven, so it is God’s will that it not be here on earth. It is given to us to pray that. I know that James seems to contradict this, but this is what Jesus said we are to pray; the outcome is up to God. “Give us day by day our daily bread.” I love this one because God doesn’t expect us to have our lives all planned out. We are to live day by day depending on him. We need him daily and daily he is there for us. In John 6:32-33 Jesus told his disciples that the true bread had come down from heaven and this bread was Him. Jesus told the devil that his bread was every word that came from God. I am sure that if we eat this bread of Jesus and the Word then all our needs will be provided and then some. Lord, we acknowledge you as our loving Father who is holy and just. We pray that your realm will come to earth in a powerful way. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus to open to us your Word. May we dine with you daily.

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