Friday, March 15, 2013

Fri.’s Devo - Mary and Martha

Read Luke 10:38-42 Yesterday Jesus told the story of the man on the way to Jericho. Jericho means “place of His fragrance”. That is what we are to be - a place of His fragrance to Him and the world. The man who helped the wounded man lived in this place and his actions revealed it. Today we read about the much-preached story of Mary and Martha. We all know the story. Jesus comes to visit and Martha is in a tizzy trying to make Jesus comfortable and fed. Mary, on the other hand, is more interested in what Jesus carries and has to give her. I know that sounds a little selfish, but Jesus saw her heart. She was hungry for God and Martha was trying to feed God. He needs nothing we have to give which was Jesus’ point. All we need is in Jesus and Mary got that. We need planners and servers but we need to know timing. Mary realized that her Lord was here and she wanted to hear every word he had to say and just be near him. Martha wanted to gain his approval. We are all guilty of being “Martha’s” because that is the easiest for us. I comes natural to see what needs to be done and do it. Mary chose the good part which was sitting at Jesus’ feet. That is the only way we gain strength and intimacy with Jesus. That is what Jesus truly wants. He is looking for a bride that will want to be with him and know him. What if we spent our whole lives fixing Jesus peanut butter sandwiches only to find out he didn’t like p.b.j.’s? Intimacy with God means that we find out what is close to his heart and we adapt our lives to please his desires. Lord, draw us to your presence and show us what is important to you and how we should best spend our time.

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