Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wed.’s Devo - God’s Provision

Read Luke 9:12-17 The crowd found Jesus in Bethsaida which means “house of provision”. They are about to see the manifestation of this place very shortly. All day Jesus has taught the people and it is now late afternoon. The disciples are hungry so they know the people are too. They go to Jesus and tell him to let the people go so they can have time to make it to a town nearby and find something to eat and a place to stay. But Jesus never does the practical when he can do the supernatural. He told the disciples to give them something to eat. They explained that they only had 5 loaves and 2 fishes which was enough for them and there were 5,000 in the crowd. So Jesus told them to sit the people down in groups of 50 and they did. Then Jesus took the 5 loaves and 2 fishes and looked up to his daddy and asked him to bless them. Then he started breaking them and distributing them to the disciples. They had enough for everyone and 12 baskets left over. So what does that mean to us? We are living in a day when people are getting laid off of their jobs, prices are inflated, fear is everywhere, and sin is abounding. We need some hope. The hope is that we can live in the place called Bethsaida - God’s house of provision. He will take what we have and multiply it so we can share it to those who need it. Not only will we have material provision but we will have heavenly bread - the Word of Life that we can break and share. To the disciples it meant giving the crowd their provision and they were each left with a whole basket full. Lord, help us to give out of our provision so you can bless it and use it for the kingdom.

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