Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wed.’s Devo - The Beatitudes

Read Luke 6:17-28 Jesus is at the height of his popularity. People from all around are coming to hear his words of life, be healed from every disease, and delivered from demons. Everyone wanted to touch him because the Holy Spirit rested on him and they knew if they could just touch him they would be complete. On the shore of Tyre and Sidon he taught them what has come to called “The Beatitudes”. He begins with blessing. He blesses their circumstance then gives them a promise of a spiritual blessing that is so much better. For the poor and destitute - they can have the kingdom of God. For those who are hungry now - they will be filled. For those who weep now - they will one day laugh. If you are being hated, rejected, and ridiculed for your faith - rejoice because it will bring you a reward. To comfort yourself, remember that there were many prophets and believers who have gone through the same thing too. But…. if you are rich now and have no need for God, then this is all you will get. You have nothing better to look forward to. If you are full and have no hunger for God, you will hunger for him later when it is too late. If you laugh and party now and leave God out, then you will be weeping when the Bride is rejoicing. If you are popular with the world, remember the world loves lies. God’s ways are upside down from the world’s. God’s way is to love your enemy, to do good to those who hate you. Give a blessing to those who curse you and pray for those who do things to you out of spite. We know these verses by heart but they are hard pills to swallow in real life. It is not a quick response to do good to those who are hurting you. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to do this. I can remember a friend who turned against my family and spread some pretty bad and false accusations about us. I saw her one day and without thinking, walked up and hugged her neck and greeted her. My close friend saw this and asked me how I did that. I told her “I didn’t - God did”. It was the truth. I couldn’t have done that on my own, but God who is inside me loves her, and He could. Lord, help us to be hungry for you and allow you to do the impossible through us.

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