Friday, February 8, 2013

Fri.’s Devo -Fruit

Read Luke 6:38-45 We could talk all day about this first verse. It is another way of saying you reap what you sow. On the third day of creation God produced plants with seeds in their fruit. These seeds would produce after their kind. If they were an apple seed, it would produce apples, but if it is a thorn bush it will reproduce thorns. Whatever you give will be multiplied back to you. If you plant seeds of unforgiveness, then you will reap bitterness and you will impart unforgiveness and bitterness to others. If you plant love and trust, then people will love and trust you. The principle of seeds is that the produce should be multiplied which is a problem if it is bad seed. We all have good and bad seeds in us but if we implant the spirit of God in our hearts, his righteous seed can supersede our bad seeds. Verse 41 talks about noticing someone else’s weaknesses but being blind to our own. Usually what we notice and hate the most in others is our mote. It blinds us from seeing the same fault in ourself. I think judging others is our self-conscious way of justifying our own sin. When I find myself frustrated about something someone else does, I try to remember to ask myself how that same problem resides in me. I am unpleasantly amazed at the answer. If we have had a problem with unforgiveness and God helps us to forgive, then we have a testimony that can help someone who is struggling with unforgiveness. If we allow our unforgiveness to stay there, then we will reap bad fruit and could eventually become a bitter and corrupt tree. If we have the good treasure of God in our hearts then our fruit should be godly. If we want to know what kind of fruit we are producing then we should listen to our conversation. What is in our heart will come out of our mouth. Lord, help us to produce fruit fit for the kingdom. Help us to rid our hearts of any bad seeds that will seek to kill us and taint our testimony.

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