Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wed.’s Devo - God’s Deliverance

Read Gen. 20:9-34

Abimelech called Abraham in and confronted him about his lie. Abraham explained why he did it. He didn’t know that the king would be a righteous king who feared God so he did it to save his life. Then he explained that it was not a total lie because Sarah and Abraham had the same father, just not the same mother. It was not Sarah’s fault she lied, but his. Abimelech restored Sarah to him and gave him gifts of sheep, oxen, and slaves to take care of them. Then he told him he was welcome on his land. He also gave Abraham 1,000 pieces of silver. In return Abraham prayed to God to take away the curse on Abimelech’s family. God healed Abimelech’s family so that the women were able to bear children. What Abraham did was wrong. The devil takes the truth and twists it for his good which is what Abraham did. He would have done better to tell the truth in the beginning. He would have gotten the same results without the rebuke from the king and Sarah would not have had to spend the night wondering if she was going to be defiled by what she thought was an unrighteous king. Abraham should have trusted God to deliver them. The sweet thing about this story is that God is patient concerning Abraham and his faith. He always comes to Abraham’s rescue and blesses him when he takes responsibility for his lie. This should encourage us in our walk. God is not waiting to judge us, he is waiting to bless us. Lord, may we walk in truth, even if it is scary and hard.

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