Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thurs.’s Devo - Nahor’s Descendants

Read Gen. 22:19-24

Abraham comes back down the mountain after this time of great testing and great victory and goes back to Beersheba to live. He receives news that his brother has been blessed with 12 sons. Twelve is the number of government and his wife, Milcah’s name means “queen”. So he is also the father of many nations. I looked up the names of his sons and I couldn’t figure out what God was saying through them although I know it is something but I did notice that the first 8 were born to his wife and the last 4 were born to a concubine. The meanings of the first eight have to do with the first 6,000 years and the last four have to do with after we are taken out of the earth. Reumah, the concubine’s name means “raised up”. So I think that means the rapture and her offspring were what was left on the earth. Their names mean massacre, the devastator waxed hot, badger, and depression. That sounds like tribulation to me. Rebekah was born to Nahor’s 8th son. Rebekah would become Isaac’s wife and together they would birth twins : Jacob and Esau. Jacob would become the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. I wonder if it was hard for Abraham not to be jealous of his brother Nahor and his 12 sons. Abraham was the one with the promise of the great descendants yet everyone else seemed to be getting his promise. I can relate to that myself. God has promised us some particular things which seem to be going to everyone else and somehow passing us by. But I know that God is faithful to his promises. His timing is perfect, so reading this is an encouragement.

Lord, may we always be rejoice in what you are doing in our brother and sister’s lives and never be jealous or bitter. Your promises are sure.

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