Monday, April 16, 2012

Mon.’s Devo - The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

Read Gen. 19:12-38

Once Lot and his family were safe, the angels revealed to Lot why they were there. They asked Lot if he had any relatives that were in the city because he needed to go get them. God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of its wickedness. Lot went to tell his daughters and his sons-in-law but the sons-in-law thought he was crazy. His two daughters left with their father. As soon as it was morning the angels woke Lot up and told him to get his wife and his 2 daughters and follow them. Lot was having a hard time leaving so the angels had to take them by the hand and pull them with them out of the city. When they were out of the gates the angel told them to flee for their lives and not to look back or they would be consumed. He told them to go to the mountains. Lot, who had become too citified and used to comfort begged the angel not to send him to the mountains because he was afraid of the wild animals and having to fend for himself. So the angel relented and told him he could go to a little city nearby called Zoar. As soon as Lot entered the city of Zoar, God poured down sulphur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot’s wife turned and watched and became a pillar of salt. Most scholars believe that Sodom was destroyed by a volcano which would rain down fire and sulphur. What ever it was, it was a picture of judgment. Where Sodom and Gomorrah were isolated cities, in the end, it will be the whole earth that will be destroyed by fire.

What always sticks out to me is the mercy God had for Lot. Lot resisted the whole way and yet the angels were determined to get him out. When you are living in the midst of sin it is easy to feel comfortable there and not realize how bad it has gotten. That is what happened to Lot and his whole family. Lot’s wife, escaped the city only to die on the edge of safety because her heart was back at the city.

Lord, remind us daily that this is not our home. Don’t let us be like Lot’s wife, so near, yet so far away from your heart.

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