Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wed.’s Devo - Walking in the Spirit and not in the Flesh

Read 1 Peter 4:1-7

When the Bible says “in the flesh” it is talking about our human nature with all its frailties both physically and morally. Jesus had the same “fleshly” temptations that we do, he just didn’t succumb to them. He didn’t have a special power, because he was God’s son that we don’t have. Romans 8 says that the same power that was in Jesus is in us to help us win over sin. We just need to change our minds…. how we think. Our minds need renewing so we can think like Jesus thought. If we do that then sin is not even a temptation. Before Christ in our lives we lived according to the world and did what they did. Now that we have become a child of God we no longer live that way so our past friends find us strange and gossip about us. They don’t realize that one day they will have to give an account to God for how they lived their life. Everyone will have to stand before God and explained why they did not choose to serve him when they were given the opportunity. That is why Jesus had to go to the place of the dead when he died and preach salvation to those who had never been given the opportunity to choose him. One day everything that we know on earth will pass away and God will create a new heaven and a new earth. (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1) In the meantime we are to walk in sober worship of God.

Lord, renew our minds in you that we won’t walk according to our flesh but alive to you.

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