Monday, January 9, 2012

Mon.’s Devo - A Good Leader

Read 1 Peter 5:1-7

Peter had watched as Jesus was whipped, beaten unmercifully, and finally nailed to the cross to suffer a painful death. He also saw the transfiguration where Elijah and Moses appeared with Jesus and spoke of the future. He spent time with Jesus when he came back after the cross and taught them what to do. And, finally, he saw Jesus ascend into the clouds to return to his rightful place at the right hand of God. All of this changed Peter’s heart from an impulsive, prideful control-freak to a servant of God and the people. He gives instructions to the other men who will help him pastor the new converts. He admonishes them to teach them the meat of God’s Word willingly with pure motives not for the gain of profit. They are not to lord over them but to live their lives as examples of all they teach. Their reward will be a crown of glory that Jesus will give them when he comes back. The younger leaders are to honor and take advice from the older leaders and everyone is to submit to one another. If they want God’s presence and grace then they need to stay humble. God will exalt the humble; but he will bring down the haughty. Every burden and trial they encounter they need to learn to cast it on the Lord. Doing this shows that they trust God in everything. They will need God for everything they do and a good leader knows this.

Lord, let us live our life as if we had literally seen your suffering and your glory. May our lives be an example of who you are.

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