Monday, January 30, 2012

Mon.’s Devo - The Beginning

Read Gen. 1:1

I have had a request to go through Genesis which just happens to be my favorite book in the Bible. So… here we go!

One thing we have to remember as we read the Bible is that God doesn’t live in time. When it says in the “beginning” it means the first, in place, time order or rank. God created this earth with a plan having a beginning and an end, and the way to get there. God created the heaven and the earth. If you look up heaven in the Hebrew you find that heaven is referring to the sky where the clouds are as well as the higher ether where the celestial bodies move. (I used to think that “ether” was a New Age term till I found it in the Strong’s Concordance.) Webster’s defines ether as an imaginary substance regarded by the ancients as filling all space beyond the sphere of the moon, and making up the stars and planets: the upper regions of space. It serves as a medium for the transmission of light waves and other forms of radiant energy. To me, it is the physical and spiritual realm that God uses to communicate with us. Another term could be the universe. That was a lot to say that God created it all. Many people think, as I, that the earth was created eons ago with people and life on it and between verse 1 and 2 there was a huge pause. During that pause, Satan rebelled against God, along with1/3 of the heavenly creatures. They were cast out hell and thrown down to earth. There they dwelled till God came in verse 2 and breathed life once again on the planet. I know this may seem far-fetched to some because we don’t have much information but we do have fossils that date back over 10,000 years. There are verses that describe a light falling from heaven to the earth and bringing devastating destruction on the earth. Revelations 8:10 calls him “Wormwood”. Revelation is a book about what is to come but it mirrors what has already happened. The first 2 chapters are the history of the churches throughout time. So it gives us a glimpse of the past and the future. Genesis is the deepest book in the Bible next to Job so we are going to trudge through it knowing that we see through a glass darkly.

Lord, open up to us the mysteries of your Word. We long to know you.

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