Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tues.’s Devo - Brotherly Kindness

Read 2 Peter 1:7b

The divine nature of God is a progression. We start with faith, then we add virtue, then knowledge, then temperance, next godliness and the next is brotherly kindness. This is the only time the term “brotherly kindness” is used in the Bible. In the Greek it means fraternal affection; brotherly love; love of the brethren. It means that we look at all other Christians as our family. It is having a kingdom perspective on the body of Christ. It goes far beyond small acts of kindness although I think that is a part of it. Jesus taught us that we are to be one as he and the father are one. We have a long way to go on this one but I see a little progress. We are divided into sects and denominations but I see those walls coming down. They have to before Jesus can come back. Not that we don’t have them anymore but that they aren’t built in our heart. We should see all other churches as our fellow ministers and support their cause. The disciples came to Jesus and complained that their was a group of people who were casting out demons. Jesus told them that if they aren’t against us then they are for us. We need to have Jesus’ perspective.

Brotherly kindness also has to do with compassion - not only to our own brothers and sisters but to the world that don’t know God. Just a little act of kindness can break a hard heart. Jesus reached out with compassion to the lady at the well. She was not a Jew but Jesus saw the hunger in her heart. And Jesus came to save the world.

Lord, teach us to have brotherly kindness for our Christian family and the world.

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