Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tues.’s Devo Righteous Suffering

Read 1 Peter 3:19-25

God is very thankful and gracious toward those who are unjustly treated for standing up for him. But if you are suffering for some wrong you did, then this is your payment for your sin and God is not going to rescue you. It is fulfillment of his Word: you will reap what you sow. We were called to suffer in this world just as Christ, as our example, suffered. He suffered for his righteousness, not his sin. When he was persecuted, he chose not to retaliate. He held his mouth and didn’t speak up for himself. The only one he ever defended was God. He never threatened them with judgment even though it would have been the truth. He came to seek and save the lost, not condemn his enemies. His life did that. He lived a life totally devoted to God his father and when he died he was worthy to take all the sin on himself and be our perfect sacrifice without blemish. Every stripe he took on his back was for our healing. We are like sheep that easily stray away, but Jesus has found us and we are safe in his sheepfold. The sheepfold is the “church” and Jesus is the Bishop of our souls.

Lord, thank you for purchasing our salvation on the cross. Help us to remember when we go through minor persecution here on earth, that you went through major persecution on the cross for us. We are so grateful.

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