Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thurs.’s Devo - God is Faithful to the End!

Read James 5:10-11

Many of the prophets spoke out God’s word to a very hostile audience. They were usually telling a sinful nation to repent and exposing their sins. Many had to live in hiding for fear of their lives. They lived in the wilderness or the mountains away from the modern civilization of their time. They were created to bring God’s word forth and took the challenge against the odds. Their lives were a sacrifice so that we can enjoy their encouragement. We are told to pronounce them fortunate and blessed who undergo trials. Remember Job? If I ever feel persecuted or beat and remember Job, I find my small problem become even smaller. He lost everything: his family, his wealth, his reputation, his looks, and his position in society. The only thing he didn’t lose was his faithful wife and his not-so-faithful friends. He had not been privy to the conversation between God and Satan so he didn’t ever find out why he had to go through what he did, but his sufferings have been known throughout the generations. Even people who don’t follow Jesus have heard of Job. A good lesson. We might think we are going through this life unnoticed but the seeds we have planted will live forever. Most famous people were never famous during their lifetime. I would rather be famous in heaven than on earth anyway. Our encouragement is what happened to Job in the end. In the end, God was merciful and restored everything back to him. Job 42:10 says that the Lord turned his captivity when he prayed for his friends and gave him twice as much wealth as he had before. He even got back a family - 7 boys and 3 girls which was exactly what he had lost. He lived another 140 years and got to see the next 4 generation of grand children. What a reward for allowing God to use his life as an example. Sometimes our reward is here on earth like Job’s, or sometimes it is waiting for us in heaven. We know this: God is faithful.

Lord, help us to see the big picture and live a life totally devoted to you and your plan.

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