Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sun.’s Devo - Merry Christmas!

They may be able to take prayer out of the schools officially, but kids still pray. And they may change the “Christmas” holidays to “Winter “ festivals but all this does is cause Christians to rise up and be heard. I sat and watched video after video on u-tube about flash mobs in malls across America. I was moved to tears to see Christians singing out so beautifully and freely the songs about Jesus in a very public, mixed place. When Jesus was coming into Jerusalem for the last time he traveled the road that the temple lamb had just traveled. The people were still there and when he passed them on his donkey the people laid down their coats and yelled, “Hosannah, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” When his disciples told Jesus to stop them, he responded, “if they don’t praise me then the rocks will cry out,” Rocks have metallic principles that hold memory so these same rocks were on the earth when God said, “Let there by light.” The rocks knew this was the son of God and would have responded if the people didn’t. It is always in the place of persecution and trouble that the church rises up and makes a stand about what they believe. Flash mobs are a way these people are making a statement and standing for what they believe in the face of a society that tries to outlaw it. The days are only going to get darker and the children of God are only going to get brighter, so on the day we choose to celebrate the birth of our Messiah, let’s let our light shine! May you have a wonderful day full of all the blessings of believing in the only one who has life.

Thank you, Lord, for sending your son to save us from our sins.

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