Friday, December 23, 2011

Thurs.’s Devo- The Rock of Jesus

Read 1 Pet. 1:17- 2:8

We have been saved into a spiritual inheritance. Everything we do is being recorded. The confessed sins go under the blood and are remembered no more and our works are judged. Since we weren’t bought with actual money, we won’t be rewarded with money. We were bought with the precious blood of Jesus who was sinless. He was here existed before time and came to earth to die and be raised up to glory that we might believed in him. How can we not love a god like that? Loving God should cause us to love our fellow men. We were born again into an everlasting seed. Our bodies will pass away but our spirits will live on forever.

Knowing this, we have to lay down hatred, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and all backbiting. We are to be as hungry for the Word as a newborn is for her/his milk. The Word is the only way we will grow. If you read the Bible then you will realize that God is very good and kind. He is the living rock that men rejected but God accepted. Jesus is either a stumbling stone that men trip over and reject or a rock that people stand on and live by. Jesus is the chief corner stone which is plum line for us all to measure our lives by. We are the rest of the stones that together make the whole house.

Lord, help us to not lose sight of this spiritual heritage we have been save into. We want to stand on this rock of Christ and make it our foundation.

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