Monday, October 24, 2011

Mon's Devo - Our Labor is Not in Vain

Read Isa. 49:1-7
In these verses we get to see the heart of Jesus, the son, and God the Father. Jesus was called from the womb and given a sword as a mouth so that everything that proceeded from his mouth was God's words. God hid him from the devil's schemes to kill him . Verse 4 shows how Jesus viewed his own ministry. "I have labored in vain." He knew that he was sent to earth to bring God's people back to him so he went to the Jews first. But God's plan extended to the Gentiles and to the ends of the earth. Halleluiah! God says in verse 7 that even though he was despised and abhorred by the ones he came to save many will be saved because of his life and death on earth.
How many of us can relate to the way Jesus felt? Sometimes the Christian walk can be disappointing and discouraging but when we see seeds that don't sprout in our time, God sees seeds that sprout in his time. God sees the end from the beginning. Our job is to just keep planting and walking in Him. The results are always up to him.
Lord, may we be diligent to plant seeds of salvation, hope, and love and leave the result to you.

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