Monday, October 31, 2011

Mon's Devo - God's Faithfulness

Read Isa. 51:9-23
This is the cry of Isaiah and the remnant for God to act in the future as He has in the past. Just as God redeemed Israel at the Red Sea and brought the Israelites out of Egypt, so they are calling him to act on their behalf. When he does they will return to Jerusalem with singing and joy. Then Isaiah comforts the people and encourages them not to be afraid of the Babylonian government or any man because God is their maker and he can turn the hearts of kings. He promises them that they will not die in Babylon but God will bring them out and the Babylonians will be destroyed by the Medo-Persians. God is raising up Cyrus to come against the Babylonians like a roaring wave, but God will protect his people. God's discipline lasts for a season but his faithfulness is forever.
Lord, help us to remember your faithfulness to your remnant and may we never be afraid.

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