Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday's Devo - Preparation for Passover

Read John 6:1-15
We all know this miracle as "Feeding the 5,000". I know there is a reason for every miracle that is recorded so let's look at this one. We get our clue in vs. 4: "and the passover was nigh". Passover was a commemoration of the Jews being mightily delivered from Egyptian bondage. On passover night every Jewish father was to take a spotless lamb and sacrifice it. The blood of the lamb was to be smeared on the sides of the door posts and the top. The death angel was to pass over each house and kill the first born of every household that wasn't protected by the blood. This was a picture of salvation that Jesus would give us. This miracle was to prepare them for that feast. Jesus told them that he was the bread that would be broken for their salvation. By breaking the bread and distributing it to all the people he was signifying that his death on Passover would be the bread broken and salvation would be given freely to everyone that wanted it. Salvation would come from one man and never run out. The little boy gave 5 barley loaves and two small fishes. Five is the number of grace and barley was the grain harvested at Passover. The feasts were always associated with a harvest. Barley was grain and Jesus explained later that unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it will abide alone; but if it dies, it will bring forth much fruit. He is preparing them for his death. One day he would die and his salvation would be dispersed to anyone who wanted it and there would be bread left over for the generations yet to come.
I am still meditating on the 2 fish. I know that we are to be fishers of men so men are fish. Fish in the Hebrew means prolific so it is like Jesus is not only giving them the bread which is himself, but he is also giving them the fish which enables them to go out and make more disciples themselves.
The people were so amazed at this miracle that Jesus had to leave secretly so they wouldn't try to make him a king.
Lord, feed us from your abundant supply of bread and fish that we might be filled with your miracle-giving life and disperse it to those around us.

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