Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - Alas!

Read: Lamentations 1:1-2:22; Philemon 1:1-25: Psalm 101:1-8; Proverbs 26:20 Lamentations was named by the Jews “How” or “Alas” but English scholars changed it to Lamentations. Most Biblical scholars agree that Jeremiah wrote Lamentations. It makes sense since he chose to stay with the poorest of them in Jerusalem. He sits and looks at all the destruction Jerusalem has experienced and laments. No one comes rejoicing to Jerusalem to celebrate the feasts. No one enters the city gates to trade. Her oppressors have become her masters all because of her many sins. *** The children have all been taken or killed. Her priests grown and the young women cry bitterly. Jerusalem fell and her enemy laughed as she fell. She defiled herself with immorality and gave no thought to the consequence. The army of Babylon was cruel and heartless. Jerusalem had no ally and suffered alone. Her prophets had prophesied of peace and given them false pictures of hope. God’s prophets had told her the truth, that her sins would cause this if they didn’t repent. They refused to listen to the Lord, so he did just what he said he would do. *** Philemon is Paul’s letter to Philemon, a wealthy slave owner, who had a church meeting in his house. Paul him he is praying for them always and commends him for the news he hears about their faith in the Lord. *** The reason for his letter is to ask them to accept Onesimus back and give him another chance to prove himself. Onesimus had once been Philemon’s slave who had been converted under Paul’s ministry. Onesimus had fled to Rome after damaging or stealing something from his master, Philemon. Since Onesimus was his property, Philemon could have him killed or severely punished. *** Paul is asking Philemon to forgive Onesimus and to receive him as a brother in Christ, a new creation. Paul could use Onesimus himself, but is sending him back to Philemon because he belongs to him. He asks Philemon to welcome him as he would welcome Paul. He tells him that if Onesimus owes him anything, Paul will pay for it. Then he asks him to set up a quest room for him because he intends to come and visit when he is released. *** Paul gives us this incredible example of forgiveness and the change a person can experience when they give their lives to the Lord. *** Lord, may we forgive those who wrong us in any way. May we treat others better than what we want them to treat us. May all we do be to honor You.

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