Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - There is Hope in our Future

Read: Jeremiah 30:1-31:26; 1 Timothy 2:1-15; Psalm 87:1-7; Proverbs 25:18-19 God instructed Jeremiah to write down everything he was giving him because it would be a written decree for them to look back on and testify of God’s faithfulness to them. *** Everywhere Jeremiah looked were people in horror and terror. This would one day end and they will be saved. God would break them out of the yoke of bondage they were under and will return them to a life of peace and quiet where no one is terrorizing them. Then God will completely destroy the nations who destroyed them. Israel’s exile is her punishment for her sins. Then the ones who exiled her will go into exile. *** God will restore the health of Israel and heal her wounds. They will rebuild from their ruins and reconstruct their palaces. They will prosper as a nation and God will punish anyone who hurts them. They will have a ruler who comes from their own people and God will be their God and they will be his people. *** Those who survived Babylon will find blessings in the barren land and God will give them rest. They will play music and dance with joy. They will plant vineyards and eat produce from their own gardens. All will go to worship the Lord together. God will not forget the blind and lame and expectant mothers and women in labor. All will return with tears of joy. *** God who scattered his people will now round them up and bring them home. They will come home singing songs of joy with much wealth. Their mourning will be turned to joy and they will enjoy much abundance and good gifts. They will receive God’s reward. Israel will once again embrace her God. *** In Timothy, Paul urges Timothy to pray for God to help the people everywhere. He prays for the kings and those in authority because they determine whether the people live in freedom or slavery. Jesus is the only mediator between God and man and he wants everyone to be saved. *** In their places of worship he wants men to be able to raise holy hands to God. Holy hands means they are free from anger and controversy. Women should be modest and holy devoted to God and not be a distraction from God. *** Women should learn to listen and to submit to their husbands because they are more likely to be deceived like Eve was. Women will be saved by the birth of a savior if they continue to live a live of faith, love, holiness, and modesty. *** Lord, help us to know our role and be satisfied and prosper in that role. Thank you for hope for the future and for your steadfast love.

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