Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - Great Things Are Coming

Read: Isaiah 62:6-65:25; Philippians 2:19-3:4; Psalm 73:1-28; Proverbs 24:13-14 God calls all his intercessors, prophets and followers to pray for the restoration of Israel and to not stop till God has completed it. He tells them to prepare the way for the Lord to bring his people home. This is just like he told John the Baptist to do for him to come, but this is talking about preparing the way for the people to come. It is also to prepare him to come to his people again. *** Isaiah was seeing the return of God’s people from Babylon. God promises that the land of Israel will never be turned over to their enemies again. God would send them a Savior and they will be called “The Holy People” and “The People Redeemed by the Lord.” Israel would be known as “The Desirable Place” and “The City No Longer Forsaken.” *** Isaiah asks who this blood stained man is who is coming from Edom, their most formidable enemy. He is marching in royal robes in great strength. It is Christ our redeemer bringing salvation with him. He had trampled our enemies and caused our enemies. Isaiah praised the Lord for what he saw. He saw that it was God’s great love and mercy that saved Israel. It was God that had saved them through all their years. *** Israel rebelled and God had to become their enemy but when they woke up, they remembered what God had done for Moses and prayed for Gods’ mercy. *** God reminded them that he was ready to help long before, but no one had asked for his help. They kept going their own way and worshipping their idols not giving him any thought or honor. They would have to pay for their wickedness. So God destroyed them, but not all of them. He kept a remnant to preserve for himself. They will possess his land and inherit it. Those who were faithful will receive the blessing of his inheritance. They will have food and drink, joy and blessings. *** God will create new heavens and a new earth to be a place of happiness and a source of joy. People will live as long as trees - hundreds of years and only the cursed will die young. People will enjoy the fruit of their labor and it will not be taken from them. They will have time to enjoy their blessings and will not fall into misfortune. God will answer their prayers as soon as they pray. Peace will be in the land even among the animals and no one will be hurt or destroyed in God’s kingdom. *** In Philippians, Paul tells them he is sending Timothy and Epaphroditus who both love them and long to see them. Paul hopes to one day come also. He warns them once again of the false teachers who try to bring them back under the law. *** Lord, thank you for your faithful love for us. May we always depend on you and your Spirit to help us in all we do. Thank you for the promises of what is coming. We expectantly look forward to what is coming with great joy and anticipation.

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