Monday, October 7, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Warning to the Teachers, Prophets and Priests

Read: Jeremiah 8:8-9:26; Colossians 3:1-17; Psalm 78:32-55; Proverbs 24:27 The people boasted that they had the word of the Lord from their teachers, but Jeremiah argued that their teachers twisted the word of the Lord so they were being taught lies. God would judge the teachers and give their wives and farms to others. The prophets and priests were also frauds. They assured the people everything would be fine, when it was far from the truth. They will be killed along with the teachers. *** When they begin to see that the enemy is coming to devour them, they will try to find refuge in the fortified cities but they will not save them. God will send poisonous snakes to kill them. This is happening all because they provoked God’s anger with their idolatry. *** In spite of the sins of the people, Jeremiah grieves and cries for them. It hurt him to hear their lies and see how they refused to stand for truth. The time was coming when they would not be able to trust their neighbor, their brother, or their friend. They would all lie to save themselves. *** Because of their idolatry and rebellious hearts, God would scatter them around the world and even there, they will be hunted down. *** Jeremiah called for the mourners to cry for the people. He told the mourners to teach their daughters to mourn because it would affect them also. He told the rich that they should not boast in their money because the only thing that will be able to save them is if they know the Lord. God was coming to judge the whole earth and even the house of Judah. *** Paul warned the people of the same thing Jeremiah warned his people. Sin will eventually kill them if they continue walking in it. He warned them they were new creatures in Christ and not to return to their same way they lived before they knew Christ. As new creatures in Christ, we are to put on love, mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience and above all love. Love binds us together as one body. *** Paul gives us practical ways to stay strong: read and meditate about Christ, sing psalms of praise to the Lord, and always be thankful to the Lord. *** Lord, may we always have a heart of love and gratitude for all you have done for us. We are so grateful to be chosen to be your children. Thank you for supplying all our needs and being with us always.

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