Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - Call To Repent

Read: Jeremiah 6:16-8:7; Colossians 2:8-23; Psalm 78:2-31; Proverbs 24:26 Jeremiah told them to go back to their roots and follow God’s path but they refused to walk down that road. All along the way, God had sent his warnings from the prophets to get the people to turn from their wicked ways and follow him. *** The time was coming to act. A foreign nation was coming to destroy Jerusalem. The people were terrorized but continued in their evil ways. God sent Jeremiah to the Temple to try to warn the ones who still came to worship him there. He told them not to think they will be saved because the Lord’s Temple was there. They would only be saved if they stopped thinking of evil, started treating others with justice, stopped exploiting foreigners, orphans and widows, stopped murdering, and stopped worshipping idols. *** Jeremiah told them they could go to Shiloh in Israel, where the Tabernacle was and see what happened to it. It was not saved from destruction, and just like God destroyed it, he would destroy Jerusalem. *** God told Jeremiah to stop praying for the people because they were too far gone. They refuse to be taught, disciplined or even listen. They had set up idols in the Temple that bears God’s name. They burned their children to Molech in the valley, and in that very place, they will be buried. Then their bones will be dug up and scattered on the ground. Those who survive the takeover will wish they had died rather than be sent to live where they will be sent. *** Paul warns the Colossians not to be captured by the false doctrine that came from human reasoning and not from Christ. The doctrine of Christ is spiritual. His circumcision was one of the heart, not the flesh. His resurrection was real and ours is spiritual now but will be real one day. His death was real and ours is spiritual but it will be real one day also. The feasts are real but represent something spiritual that will be fulfilled in God’s timing. *** The false doctrines they were being told had to do with pious self-denial and the worship of angels. The false teachers boasted of visions they had which made them proud. These people were not part of Christ’s body. *** Lord, thank you that you are the truth and your truth is balanced and leads to life. May we have discernment to believe the truth and see through the lies. May we worship you in Spirit and in truth.

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