Monday, September 30, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Arise and Shine

Read: Isaiah 60:1-62:5; Philippians 1:27-2:18; Psalm 72:1-20; Proverbs 24:11-12 Today’s reading is the Good News of the Old Testament. We are the light of the world. Isaiah tells Jerusalem to let her light shine and let the world see God’s glory. All nations will be drawn to her light. Prodigal sons and daughters will come home. Our hearts will be thrilled as we see this. They will come bringing the wealth of where they have been and their reason for coming will be to worship the Lord. God’s dwelling place will be glorious! This prophecy was for then but it is also for now. *** People will come to help rebuild the towns of Israel and their kings will serve them. The kings of the world who have reigned with evil intentions will be led as captives. The nations that refuse to serve the Lord and Israel will be destroyed. The Deep State will be no more. *** Those who have hated Israel and Christians will bow down before us and honor us. God will beautify our land in Israel and also in America. Both were founded on a promise from the Lord. We will have an abundance of wealth spiritually and physically. Our government will be one of peace and righteousness. It will be the end of violence, desolation and destruction. Salvation will be our walls and praise will be on our lips. *** The Lord will be our everlasting light and the light will never go away. Our mourning is over and all the people will be righteous. We will possess the land forever and bring glory to the Lord. Our small nation will grow and prosper. *** Isaiah 61 transitions to Isaiah’s commission which is the same scripture Jesus used to describe his commission and is the same scripture that we can use to be our commission. We have been anointed to bring good news to the poor, to comfort the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom to captives and to set those who are in prisons, free. We are to proclaim that today is the day of God’s favor when he will fight our enemies and turn everything around. God has anointed us for this time in history and it is going to be glorious. *** We will rebuild our nation and revive the people who are left. We will be priests of the Lord and ones who rule the mountains of society. Only we will do it as servants and not as dictators. God will provide all we need to make our land a joy and a blessing. *** It will be the righteous who are honored in the land and not the evil. Isaiah promises to pray until he sees all these things happen. God’s people will one day shine in righteousness and be called “The City of God’s Delight.” God will rejoice over her as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride. *** Paul in Philippians tells us to live as citizens of heaven. We are not to be intimidated in any way by our enemies. Our weapons are boldness, compassion, love, and the fact that we can work together with one mind and purpose. This is what is going to assure our victory. Christ is our example of how to live selflessly for others and not for ourselves. The enemy has no idea how to do this. God will exalt us in due time just as he did Jesus and we will give all our crowns to him. *** God gives us the desire and the power to do what pleases him so we know that he will also give us the victory. He makes serving him a joy. *** Lord, we rejoice in your wonderful plan. Thank you for choosing to save us and use us to bring you glory in the earth. May our live count for your kingdom.

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