Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - Salvation is Coming

Read: Isaiah 48:12-50:11; Ephesians 4:17-32; Psalm 69:1-18; Proverbs 24:5-6 God chose Cyrus to be on his side. God has given him an assignment and will help him succeed. If Israel had listened to the Lord, they would have lived in peace and safety and God would not have had to destroy them. *** Now, he was bringing them out of their captivity. God would use Cyrus to make them a light to the Gentiles and bring his salvation to the world. That is exactly what Trump is doing and what Jesus did. Jesus was salvation. *** At the set time, God will fill Israel again with his people. All the suffering will be over and God’s people will return. Our children will come back. The land that was once abandoned will be filled with people. The godless people will give the children of promise back to Israel. What the enemy did to them will be done to the enemy. There will be no one left to accuse Gods’ people. *** Isaiah warns the people to look to the Lord’s light and salvation to save them, not to depend upon themselves and their own strength. *** Paul tells us to not to let our old sinful nature have any control over us anymore. Stop doing the things you did before you came to Christ. The Holy Spirit has identified us as his own. We are to be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving as Christ has forgiven us. *** Lord, may we walk in your love and compassion. May we have eyes to see what you are doing in the world to bring your salvation to all.

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