Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - God’s Gifts Throughout the Ages

Read: Isaiah 45:11-48:11; Ephesians 4:1-16; Psalm 68:19-35; Proverbs 24:3-4 Who are we to question what God does for us or to us? He is our creator and source of everything. He raised up Cyrus (Trump) to fulfill his purposes and will guide his actions. *** God will give us the wealth of our enemies and they will fall on their knees in front of us and acknowledge that God is with us. Every knee will bow and declare that He is God. He will justify all who are his and in Him will we boast. *** To Babylon, God says that Babylon will never again be known as the queen of heaven. God had used them to bring his people back to him but Babylon showed God’s people no mercy. They were ruthless even to the elderly and didn’t consider the consequences. Now, they will become widows and childless, despite their witchcraft and magic. They will not be able to buy their way out or be prepared for the calamity the Lord will send upon them. *** To Jacob, God reminds them that he told them long ago this would happen so they could never say their idols did it. Now God is going to tell them new things they have never heard. For the sake of his name he will refine them and share his glory with them. This applies to us right now! *** In Ephesians, Paul reminds us to be patient with one another’s faults. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit. *** Jesus ascended into hell when he died on the cross and led the righteous to heaven. When he ascended, he ascended far above our heavens to God’s throne and now the whole universe is filled with himself. Like Psalm 68:18 says, when Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave gifts to his people. *** The gifts he gave to the church were: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip the church to do his work and to build up the church so that we will come into unity and be mature. *** Lord, thank you for your plan. Thank you for bringing your people back to you. Thank you for your plan to rid us of our enemies and give us back your kingdom on earth. May we appreciate the gifts you have given us in the people you have put them in. May we walk in love.

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