Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - The Right Fast

Read: Isaiah 57:15-59:21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10 God lives in the holy place in heaven with those who have humble and contrite hearts. He restores their crushed spirits. He punishes the greedy who refuse to repent. He comforts those who mourn for their sins and turns their mourning into praise and brings them abundant peace. But those who still reject him will never have peace. *** God told Isaiah to tell Israel of their sins. They piously went to the Temple every day going through their rituals and pretending they wanted to be close to God. They fasted and prayed but their actions are far from what pleases the Lord. They did it to please themselves instead of God. They oppressed their workers and quarreled among themselves. God told them their fasting was in vain. *** The kind of fast the Lord wanted was to free those from their prisons, to lighten the load of the oppressed and to remove the chains that kept people in bondage. It was to feed the hungry and clothe and shelter the homeless. They were to help their relatives who needed help. *** Then God could heal them and give them his glory. Then he would quickly answer their prayers. They were to let their light shine in the darkness and be a ever-flowing spring of God’s spirit. They were to rebuild the deserted ruins of their cities and restored families. *** God wants his Sabbath kept holy. It is to be a delight where God’s desires are honored, not our own. Then the Lord will be our delight and give us honor and give us our promised inheritance. *** It is not the fact that God couldn’t save them, but their own fault they were not getting their prayers answered. Their sins had kept them from God. They didn’t care about being fair or honest and ran to do evil. They were blind and stumbled around in the dark. Their sins were piled up against them. *** God saw that there was no justice and stepped in to save. He put on righteousness as his armor and the helmet of salvation on his head. He clothed himself with the robe of vengeance and divine passion. He will repay his enemies for all their evil deeds till the people glorify and respect his name. *** God will come and buy back his own who have turned from their sins. He will covenant with them again saying his spirit will not leave them and his word will be with them forever. *** Paul writes to the Philippians encouraging them in their ministry. He prays that their love will grow more and more and that they grow in knowledge and understanding. He prays that they always be filled with the fruit of their salvation which is the righteous character that Christ produces in his children who honor him. *** He explains to them that the fact that he is in jail for Christ has given the believers confidence and boldness to stand also for Christ. It has caused other to stand and preach Paul’s message boldly with pure motives. *** Paul is not afraid to live or afraid to die, he just wants to do what will give God the most glory. He wants to live so he can preach to more people but he also wants to see Christ. It is all for his glory. *** Lord, may we be like Paul whose only desire was to bring honor to Christ. May we grow in love, knowledge and wisdom. May our witness be bold and bright.

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