Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tues.’ Devo - The Son of Promise is Born

Read: Genesis 20:1-22:24; Matthew 7:15-29; Psalm 9:1-12;Proverbs 2:16-22 Abraham had asked Sarah to tell everyone that she was his sister since she was so beautiful. He thought they would kill him to get her. Sure enough, when they came to Egypt, the king was told about Sarah and had her taken to his harem. *** God came to Abimelech in a dream telling him that he was a dead man because he had taken Abraham’s wife. He told him to restore Sarah to Abraham and he would pray for him because he was a prophet. *** Abimelech met with Abraham and they got everything straight. They made a covenant with each other. Abimelech gave Abraham a thousand pieces of silver for taking Sarah and Abraham prayed for Abimelech and God healed his wife and his female servants so they would be healed of their bareness. Sarah and Abraham could now conceive a baby also. Satan had lost the battle. *** Abraham and Sarah had their promised son Isaac and circumcised him on the eight day. On the day he was weaned, Abraham had a great feast. Ishmael scoffed at the attention Isaac was receiving. This made Sarah upset and she wanted to throw Hagar and Ishmael out. God told Abraham to listen to his wife and do what she wanted to do. *** So, Abraham gave Hagar bread and water and sent her and Ishmael away. She went into the Wilderness of Beersheba. When they ran out of water, God provided a well of water and preserved their life. They lived in the wilderness where Ishmael became an archer. Hagar found a wife for him in Egypt. *** Meanwhile, Abimelech and his army commander, Phichol met with Abraham. They wanted Abraham to swear he would not rise up against them and take over their kingdom. In return, Abraham wanted them to give him the well that he had dug but Abimelech’s men and seized. Abimelech didn’t know about the well but gave it back to Abraham and they cut a covenant of peace. When Abimelech left, Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called upon the name of the Lord. *** Abraham received his greatest test. God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac on Mt. Moriah. Abraham left the next morning to obey. Isaac was old enough to object but he allowed his father to bound him to the altar. When Abraham went to slay him with his knife, God intervened. Abraham had passed the test and God provided a ram. God blessed him with descendants as the stars of heaven and the sand one the seashore. They would possess the gate of their enemies. Through his seed ass the nations of the earth would be blessed because he obeyed. *** Abraham’s brother, Nahor had 12 sons. *** Jesus told his disciples to beware of those who came to them looking like a sheep when they were really wolves. They would be exposed by their fruits. Not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will enter his kingdom. They must do his will and not practice lawlessness. People will even cast out demons and do miracles in his name and not be his because they refused to stop practicing lawlessness. *** A wise man hears God’s word and obeys it thus building his life upon a rock of truth. This man will not be blown away in the storms of life. *** Jesus ended his sermon and the people were astonished at his teaching because he taught with authority like he knew and believed what he was saying. *** Lord, may we produce fruits of righteousness and please you.

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