Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - Moses' Commission

Read: Exodus 4:1-5:21; Matthew 18:1-20; Psalm 22:19-31; Proverbs 5:15-21 Moses was afraid the people wouldn’t listen to him so God gave him two signs. God asked him what was in his hand. It was his rod. God told him to throw it down and it became a serpent and Moses ran from it. God told him to reach out his hand and take it by the tail. (The last way you would pick up a snake.) Moses obeyed and it became a rod. Then God told him to put his hand in his chest. When he drew it out it was leprous. Then he told him to put it back in and when he drew it back out, it was well. *** If they didn’t believe these signs, He gave Moses a third. He was to take water from the Nile and put it on the dry land, the water would become blood on the land. Next, Moses told the Lord he was not a good speaker. God told him that he made his mouth and he could help him speak clearly. Moses begged the Lord to choose someone else to speak. God was getting tired of Moses’ excuses. He told him that his brother Aaron could speak well and he would speak through him. He was on his way to meet with him. *** Moses went home and explained to his father-in-law what he must do. He gave Moses his blessing. God assured Moses it was time to go and that all the men who had wanted to kill him were dead. He reminded him to do all his miracles the Lord had shown him. When the Pharaoh refuses to let him leave he was to tell the Pharaoh that Israel is God’s firstborn and if you refuse to let them go, God will kill your firstborn. *** On the way, the Lord met him and sought to kill him because he had not circumcised his first born. Zipporah did it quickly. *** God told Aaron to go meet Moses in the wilderness ad he showed him all the signs the Lord had given him. Moses and Aaron met with the elders of Israel and told them what the Lord had said and showed them the signs. They believe and bowed their heads and worshipped the Lord. *** The real test of their worship came when they met with Pharaoh. When he heard their request, he was incensed. He was so upset they had taken off work to come and meet with him and wanted to take even more time off to go and have a celebration to their God, that he made them make up the work and added impossible quotas to the already impossible work. They now had to gather their own material to make bricks and had to end up with the same number of bricks they had before. This was Satan’s way of trying to steal their hope and their dream of freedom. The people complained to Moses that this was all his fault. *** The disciples asked Jesus who was greatest in his kingdom. Jesus began by telling them that no one would even make it to his kingdom unless they humbled themselves like a child. The humblest were the greatest. *** Anyone who caused a child of his to sin would be punished greatly. Whatever caused a person to sin, they must get rid of it even if it is something that is a part of them. Nothing is worth losing your salvation for. Judgement is eternal. God greatly cares about each and every one. *** If someone sins against another, the one sinned against should confront the other one in love in hopes of reconciliation. If he refuses to hear, then other witnesses need to come forward. If that does no good, then the matter needs to be turned over to the church to settle. If he still refuses to hear then he will be considered a heathen. *** Whatever we allow on earth, will be allowed in heaven and whatever we stop on earth will be stopped in heaven. If two people agree on earth concerning anything, it will be done in heaven. *** Lord, may we bind on earth what needs to be bound in heaven and may we loose on earth what needs to be loosed in heaven.

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