Friday, January 5, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - May We Be One

Read: Genesis 11:1-13:4; Matthew 5:1-12; Psalm 5:1-11; Proverbs 1:24-28 The sons of Ham went toward the east and settled in the land of Shinar. They all spoke the same language and came up with a plan to make a portal to heaven. They built a ziggurat laying brick upon brick. They wanted to make a name for themselves and be great on the earth. *** God saw that they would accomplish their mission since they were all of one mind and this would be just the beginning. Nothing they proposed would be possible. God had to intervene so he went down and confused their languages so they wouldn’t be able to communicate. They ended up quitting the project and scattering over the face of the earth. *** Abram came from Shem’s descendants. His father, Terah had three sons, Abram, Nahor and Haran. Abram was the oldest. His youngest brother, Haran had a son named Lot then Haran died. Terah took Abram and his wife Sarai, Lot and Nahor and his wife, Milcah and traveled toward Canaan. They ended up stopping at a place named after their brother that had died. Terah ended up dying there. *** God told Abram to continue his journey to Canaan and he would make a great nation of him there. Abram took Sarai and Lot and they all their possessions and servants and left Haran. Abram was 75 years old. *** When Abram got to Shechem the Lord appeared to Abram and told him that this was the land he would given him. Abram built an altar to the Lord and then moved to Bethel. He built an altar there and called on the name of the Lord. *** There was a famine in that land so Abram went down to Egypt where there was food. He told Sarai to tell everyone the was his brother since she was so beautiful and he was afraid they would kill him for her. She was spotted and taken to the Pharaoh’s harem. Abram was given sheep, oxen and donkey as well as servants in exchange for Sarai. *** God plagued the house of Pharaoh with plagues making it was obvious it was because he had taken Sarai. He called Abram in and scolded him for not telling him Sarai was his wife. He sent him away with Sarai and he left very rich. Abram went back to Bethel where he had made the altar and called on the name of the Lord again. *** If we learned anything from this it is that when people are of one mind, nothing will be impossible for them. *** Jesus went on a mountain in the region of Capernaum and began preaching. He blessed the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness sake and for his name. These people would inherit the kingdom of heaven and the earth. They would be comforted, be filled with righteousness, obtain mercy, see God and be called his sons. They can rejoice because their reward in heaven is great just like the prophets before them. *** Lord, thank you for your true and precious promises. May we be one in building your kingdom.

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